Brian Hardee
I came to Rock Creek Bible Church as pastor in 2000. I had been aware of God's blessing upon this community of believers since the 1980's. It is exciting to be directly involved with this ministry. I am a graduate of both Calvary Bible College in Kansas City, MO, and Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
I became a follower of Jesus Christ at a very young age. My age didn't keep me from understanding I was lost in sin apart from God forgiving me. I came to recognize that Christ's death was the payment for my wrongs and that God forgave me when I placed my trust in Christ as my personal Savior. From that time God has been revealing more and more of just how much He did for me. I am truly grateful to Him.
At the core of my philosophy of ministry is an abiding belief in God's grace. This means that God is the one who brings lasting change, and we respond to His work in our lives by faith coated in thanks to Him. I have learned about this grace of God in the pages of scripture so the Bible is going to be at the center of our teaching, decisions, and focus.
...God has really used other people to help me grow, and I think God's community - the church - can help you grow. I want Rock Creek Bible Church to be a caring community of people committed to their own growth and their influence in helping others grow.
A girl by the name of Charlene became my bride in 1982. She has stood with me in life and ministry ever since. Our family has grown to include even grandchildren!
There are a number of hobbies and activities I really enjoy pursuing. Hunting, golf, bicylcing to name a few. Drop me an e-mail if you have a question or stop by the church building some time and visit,
or e-mail me at pastor@rockcreekbiblechurch.org