Hey Church Family,
Often when I'm tired and overwhelmed, I take a look around and whisper to God, thank you. Sometimes I do this at night, when I'm especially prone to discouragement. I thank Him for saving me from a life lived in sin. I thank Him for giving wisdom when it so often lacked in my life.
This simple, childlike act, keeps me not only from despair, but reshapes my broken mind into believing truth again.

It's a sobering thought that one who complains is not one who's been dealt a bad hand, but one who sees reality out of a lense of self absorption, ruminating on wants and should-haves, rather than what has been kindly given. It is a state of the heart and mind.
I actually bring this up as I'm currently thinking of how much God has given Rock Creek. Our children's ministries are expanding. Our youth programs, developmentally imperfect as they are, are in fact adjusting to growth. The community groups have brought others closer together. Women in the church lead the study of God's Word together. Many people have come forward to offer their leadership and skills in what we're doing, and I'll have to admit that when I witness this, I I haven't told God thank you nearly enough.
"Walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you've been called."
Ephesians 4:1
This is crucial to my spiritual well being.
Why? Because real service to others is essentially a 'thank you' to God. It's a physical representation of inner spiritual gratitude.
An inward thank you.
This is why church leaders or volunteers should never guilt anyone else into serving, even if they're not helping and should be. Why? Because guilty urgings like that encourage and push the heart to say "Ok, i did my part" or, "here's what I did". This is radically different than serving from a state of "thank you, Jesus."
One is done out of proving yourself, the other is done out of love. Anything short of thank you, Jesus, builds pride in the heart of man.
"This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ...What do you have that you did not receive?"
1 Corinthians 4:1,7
This is why it's crucial I tell God ‘thank you’ for the goodness I see at Rock Creek. For what did you have that you did not receive?
So, as our ministries expand, so do your opportunities to tell God thank you for what He's done. With this expansion there are many more needs arising, and we need people to fill them. There's much that has been filled in the past, but the work is increasing.
If you've been serving Rock Creek for a long time, keep going. And don't forget as often as I have, to truly serve means to tell Jesus thank you.
If you don't currently serve, challenge yourself. Ask yourself, why don't I? What is fulfilling my needs? Is it Christ, or is it another love? Are you willing to trust in Christ's love for you? And if so, how can you take that love to someone else?
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17
Today I challenge you to begin thanking God everyday for His salvation. Meditate on it until it changes your heart.
The list of needs is every increasing. Take a look at the opportunities that are available for you to get involved in right now!
- Children's Greeter
- Children's Church Teacher
- Children's Church Assistant
- Rise Youth Teacher
- Rise Youth Leader
- Attendance Greeter
- Kidz Club Assistant
- Tech Team
For a listing of all of the volunteer opportunities, CLICK HERE