Communication is a constant struggle for mid-sized organizations, and Rock Creek Bible Church is no exception. We’re always trying to improve communication with our members and the surrounding community, and in July we took a large step forward to make sure everyone is informed.
The church hired two part-time employees to take over the day-to-day communication tasks that were previously handled by the full-time staff. This move will allow the pastoral staff to hand off the administrative communications work and focus on the people and ministries that need their direct attention.
Stephen Colwell, one of our members who runs his own communications and marketing business, is overseeing the transition. He will be responsible for creative content creation as well as managing the communication infrastructure such as the website, social media, and other tools that will better keep everyone informed.
Amy Sylvestre is an administrative extraordinaire, working in the past as a ministry leader of campus ministries and in large churches. Thanks to the digital world we live in, Amy will work from North Carolina and assist Stephen in making sure all of the appropriate announcements are made at the right times at church, and on all of our digital platforms. It should be noted that we seriously considered finding a local individual for this position. But the difficulty of finding an individual with many years of administrative and creative experience, coupled with our low budget and infrequent hours proved to be a difficult sell. One possible solution to these hurdles was reaching out to a larger, national pool of individuals online. Soon after doing this, we had over 70 applicants, many with years of church administration and communication experience. After reviewing all the applications and interviewing the final applicants, one individual seemed like the perfect fit for our church. We are so pleased to have Amy on our team.
The goal of the new communications department is to keep the members of Rock Creek informed and to use the stories of God’s victories at RCBC to reach out to people in the area who might be looking for a new church home.
We believe RCBC is a place where everyone can learn about God’s love and His plan for them. Please keep this new program in your prayers as it moves forward.