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Missionary Updates

Rock Creek Bible Church commits a great deal of its resources to supporting the sharing of the gospel all over the world, and we want you to hear about some of the great things that are happening on those fronts. Here's a few updates from ministries supported by RCBC.

Moody Bible Institute

With plans for doubling its impact by 2030, Moody Bible Institute looked at all potential options for growth and decided to sell a 10-acre parcel of land in Chicago. They are working with an international real estate developer to find the right buyer, and they expect a deal to take several years to complete. Please keep this ministry in your prayers throughout the process.

Jesse and Alyssa Chapman - Biblical Ministries Worldwide

The Chapmans are moving to Utah! God has provided the opportunity, the means, and a job for them in Tremonton Utah, and they will hit the road September 18 to head west and start their new adventure. Please keep this family of three in your prayers as they start new in a new place, continue to fundraise for unexpected needs, and say goodbye to the family and friends in Kansas City.

Madi Bennett - The Mango Home

The government in the Philippines has made The Mango Home wait for 11 months to receive the paperwork and licensing they needed to begin accepting children into their home, and in early September it finally happened! Much, much praise is due for this! The first young lady, "L", moved in September 7th. Please keep her in your prayers during this difficult transition. Also be prayerful about the ministry's need for a new and permanant home.

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